The Cost

In 2 Samuel 24, when presented with the opportunity to worship Yahweh by giving the very minimum effort (building an altar on King Araunah’s threshing floor on King Araunah’s land using King Araunah’s oxen and materials), King David resisted firmly. Instead, he bought the threshing floor on which to build the altar and the oxen to sacrifice. He said, “I will not offer anything to Yahweh, my God, which costs me nothing.

Follower of Jesus, when our maximum effort is to offer the bare minimum expected – whether to Yahweh, to our family, to our employer, to our team, or even to the stranger on the street – is that not a betrayal of what Jesus says makes us a disciple? What did Jesus say? “If anyone is to be my disciple, let him deny himself, take up his cross (the symbol of ultimate sacrifice), and follow me.”

Question to ponder before the Lord: What is the cost I’m paying toward the Kingdom of God?