The Kingdom of God Has Arrived

Jesus Christ IS King…NOW. He reigns…NOW. His Kingdom is established…NOW. His Kingdom is being expanded…NOW.

He is a perfect King. He is a gracious and merciful King. He is a forgiving King. He is a welcoming King. He is a faithful King. He is a worthy King.

His subjects…oh goodness, we’re still learning and being transformed. We don’t always get His Word correct. We don’t always execute His decrees with accuracy. We ourselves do not love and obey Him with the same commitment that we expect from those who don’t even know Him. We don’t always represent HIM well.

I thank Yahweh today for the Spirit of the Most High God, the Holy Spirit. I’m thankful today that He dwells in and HELPS those who have come to King Jesus in repentance and faith, those who have been regenerated and are being conformed to His image.

His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It IS happening.

I’m sorry to the watching world that it is taking some of us longer to learn to surrender, to deny self, and to take up our cross (our symbol of complete sacrifice) to follow Him.

We WILL do better. Keep watching. Keep learning. Keep your eyes on the King more than on me! I wait with Earnest Expectation and Blessed Hope to look just like Him!

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” ~ Matthew 3:2

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