You Were In My Thoughts Today…

When you’re going about your business on a daily basis and a friend or loved one comes to your mind, assume the Lord brought them to mind and do two things:

  1. Pray over them. You don’t have to know why, but they came to your mind for a reason.
  2. Reach out to them – pick up the phone and call or video message, write a note, letter or email or maybe just send them a quick text to let them know that you’re thinking of them in your conversation with the Lord.

I know many people say “I hate texting. It’s so impersonal” and you’d rather just wait and talk in person or on the phone. And that’s okay. You’re welcome to your preferences. I personally often send a text RIGHT THEN because, when God brings that person to my mind, I’m in the middle of something that needs my attention or I’m somewhere that I can’t have a lengthy conversation nor am I sure when I’ll see the person again. I’d rather send an impersonal text to let you know that I love you, I care about you and I am bringing you before the Lord than to let hours, days or even weeks go by or maybe get busy and forget and never follow up to let you know that God put you on my heart.  I have so many perfect thank you notes, lunches, dinners, dates, coffee conversations, etc. that never happened because the perfect opportunity to do it was never convenient or never presented itself.

On the flip side, I’ve received so many text messages out of the blue that have changed the trajectory of my day…they came at just the right time, from just the right person. I make every effort to do the same for others.

As a recovering perfectionist and as someone who has family who lives all over the world, I’ve learned that doing something is often better than doing nothing, at least in this context and especially when it is God’s Spirit who is doing the prompting. Do your best with what you have rather than waiting until you’ve got the perfect moment for the perfect conversation.  Those rarely happen and as a result, we often deprive others of the gift God wants us to share…someone being conformed to the image of His Son.

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