To Sabotage or To Redeem

The best way to sabotage a relationship that God has given to you:

  • become hyper-focused on where you disagree or how you’re different
  • dwell on the things you don’t like about the other person or wish were different to better accommodate you
  • fixate on the way they ignore how you try to control the way they think, speak, or what they do

The best way to redeem a relationship:

  • focus on the pleasure they bring to their Creator as an image bearer
  • focus on what they bring to the table and offer to others besides you
  • remind yourself of what they have given/done for you
  • ask yourself why God has allowed you to be part of their life
  • focus on their heart

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. ~ 1 John 4:7

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